Run, Carol, RUN!!!
I’m doing it AGAIN!!!
I’ve walked 26.2 miles in the Walt Disney World Marathon in January 2010 and run-walked 15 out of 23.5 miles in the Walt Disney World Marathon in January 2011. Now it’s time to up the ante a bit and Run, Carol, RUN!!! not one, but TWO half marathons this year!
In order to do so, I need to raise at least $2,000.00 before August 31st for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to help people facing blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma.
THIS YEAR: I've signed up as a Team in Training Mentor for the Hamptons Half Marathon, and will also be signing up for another half marathon later this year! I’ll be training to run/walk not one, but TWO half marathons to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training, AND helping new team members get the most out of their Team in Training experience. That’s a combined total of 32 weeks of training, and at least 26.2 miles of racing!
Why do I do this, you ask? For starters, I've lost way too many friends and family members to various forms of cancer, including leukemia & lymphoma. I also do it so that I can hear GREAT news - like my friend who just got her scan results back and is STILL CANCER-FREE over a year after her last chemo treatment. I do it for the cancer survivors on my team, and for people like my team mate Andrew, who has been training during chemo, and just finished his last chemo treatment a few weeks ago.
Please visit my website to donate If you would like to send a check instead, please contact me for the mailing address. Checks should be made out to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Please include: Carol Martzinek – Hamptons 09-2011 in the memo section of your check.
Donate $50 or more, and I will prominently display your name or your company’s name in multi-colored Sharpie ink on one of my arms or legs during the marathon. Your donation can make such a huge difference. It funds research, assists patients with small reimbursements for treatment expenses, provides training for peer support programs, and most important- it brings hope to so many. Please donate what you can. I know the economy is tough on us all, but please think as big and dig as deep as you're able.
Every dollar counts, and at least 75% of your donation goes directly into cancer research and patient support programs. Also, your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Every single dollar makes a difference! Here's a breakdown of where your money could go:
Donate $50 or more, and I will prominently display your name or your company’s name in multi-colored Sharpie ink on one of my arms or legs during the marathon. Your donation can make such a huge difference. It funds research, assists patients with small reimbursements for treatment expenses, provides training for peer support programs, and most important- it brings hope to so many. Please donate what you can. I know the economy is tough on us all, but please think as big and dig as deep as you're able.
Every dollar counts, and at least 75% of your donation goes directly into cancer research and patient support programs. Also, your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Every single dollar makes a difference! Here's a breakdown of where your money could go:
•$25 could pay the taxi fare for a patient's ride home from the hospital after treatment
•$50 could register one person to be a bone marrow donor
•$100 could pay the cost of 4 patient's chemotherapy drug prescription co-pays
•$300 could train 25 peer volunteers to provide emotional support to newly diagnosed patients
•$1,000 could allow a patient to meet with health care specialists to design and discuss their disease and treatment plan
•$3,000 could provide a patient with a one month supply of Gleevec (a life-saving drug, developed through LLS research funding, used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia)
***PLUS, if your company offers matching gifts, your donation can be DOUBLED, or even TRIPLED! Be sure to check the “matching gift” box on the web site or donor form.***
Did you know that discoveries originally made in the treatment of leukemia are now also being used successfully in the treatment other cancers?
Thanks for taking the time to read and for anything you can do to help me
Run, Carol, RUN!!!
•$50 could register one person to be a bone marrow donor
•$100 could pay the cost of 4 patient's chemotherapy drug prescription co-pays
•$300 could train 25 peer volunteers to provide emotional support to newly diagnosed patients
•$1,000 could allow a patient to meet with health care specialists to design and discuss their disease and treatment plan
•$3,000 could provide a patient with a one month supply of Gleevec (a life-saving drug, developed through LLS research funding, used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia)
***PLUS, if your company offers matching gifts, your donation can be DOUBLED, or even TRIPLED! Be sure to check the “matching gift” box on the web site or donor form.***
Did you know that discoveries originally made in the treatment of leukemia are now also being used successfully in the treatment other cancers?
Thanks for taking the time to read and for anything you can do to help me
Run, Carol, RUN!!!
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